Has Music Software Gone Too Far?
Today I just watched Djtechtool's review of the new Native Instruments Komplete controller. And it looks beautiful! Giving a dedicated controller to the plethora of Komplete sounds and settings was definitely needed.
But what I want to talk about is the other features of this controller. Mainly the lighting feature that shows you what keys are in what scale and a mode where it turns every key to the correct note in a particular scale so when you are playing you are always in the correct key.
So to give a little background on myself so you can see where I'm coming from. I was taught how to read music and to play the recorder by my late Grandfather Raymond Brown Sr. And as time progressed in school I picked up the clarinet, bassoon, and tenor saxophone playing in regional concert bands and marching bands all throughout middle and high school. in college I went on to minor in music theory and played one semester for the marching band there. I say all that to say I know music, no professional but I know my way around a scale lol.
Even with all this musical training when I produce music I prefer to sample then to start my creations from scratch. It's something about taking different pieces of musical compositions and making them fit together that really intrigues me.
But are today's tools making it too easy to make music? This new controller from Native Instruments subtracts any need of classical training to make music. A jazz musician from 20 years ago would call this blasphemy .
But on the other hand kids and adults alike who have creative musical ideas but no training now have an outlet to express themselves in ways unheard of not even 7 years ago.
So whos right? Who's wrong? I don't know, you tell me.